How We Live Home Tour: Tracey Hairston

african american home your tracey hairston how we live

 How We Live Home Tour: Tracey Hairston

When I think of all things plants, unique art and cultural elements Tracey Hairston of Mocha Girl Place immediately comes to mind. She mixes thrifted finds with vintage pieces with ease and did I mention her plant game is on point! Let's take a closer look at her Chesapeake, Virginia home which I'm obsessed with and think you will be to.

mocha girl place black owned vintage decor home tour

Tell readers a little about yourself and where you live: My name is Tracey Hairston and I live in Chesapeake, VA. I’m a wife and mother of 3 and have 1 granddaughter. I have an online business where I sell vintage home decor and accessories. My passion for plants has led me to write a handbook on how to care for and love your plants. We are a retired military family and have lived around the country and overseas. 


african american home tour tracey hairston

How would you describe your decor style in three words and who or what influenced that style? Earthy, Eclectic and Bohemian. My mother was my biggest influence- she had an amazing green thumb and I grew up in a home full of wicker and wood. All earthy colors that make for a warm home.


mocha girl place black owned vintage decor owner home tour how we live

Do you have keepsakes or family heirlooms incorporated into your home decor? If so, what are they and why was it important to incorporate them? I don’t have any keepsake pieces from my childhood but the vintage pieces I do have are for my children to have in their homes for years to come.


african american black family home tour juju hat

Have you completed a brag worthy DIY project? If so, tell us about it. I’ve always had a desire to have those cool Juju hats in my homes as it is a symbol of prosperity but I didn’t want to spend the money on one so I created one myself using various sizes of feathers and shells.


mocha girl place black owned vintage decor business tracey hairston how we live feature

Why was it important for you to incorporate African decor into your home? What types do you have? (e.g Art, pillows, bedding, masks ect.) It’s important to me because it represents my heritage and culture and it makes me proud to be a Black woman. Most of my pieces are masks and colorful baskets.


african american home tour bohemian style

For those that are hesitant to incorporate African decor into their space or don’t know where to start, what's one piece of advice you’d give them? Don’t be afraid of change - start small with a pillow and incorporate them in with all of your existing pillows and work your way up from there. African decor blends into every form of decor style. 


african american home tour plant filled out

At Reflektion Design our mantra is, See Yourself at Home. How does your home reflect who you are? My home is full of life, color and nature. All of the things that bring peace and serenity to my soul. One room cannot live without the other.

Where can we find you online? You can find me on all social media platforms @mochagirlplace and my website-

Looking for items to bring more of you into your home checkout the shop:

1 comment

  • I adore Tracey’s style and vibe. She’s definitely the boho queen sitting on her throne


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