African baskets are functional pieces of art. They can be used as a bread basket on your table or keep your fruits and veggies together on the kitchen counter. African baskets are equally beautiful hung on the wall adding warmth, texture and culture.
And with the holidays right around the corner baskets are just the decorative accent you need to make entertaining at home that much better.
One of the biggest issues we run into when decorating with baskets is how to hang them on the wall. I'm often asked, what's the easiest way to hang baskets on the wall? Good news, I've got 3 methods you can try 2 of which won't put holes in your wall.
3 Ways to Hang African Baskets (2 Won't Put Holes In your Wall)

Let me start by saying most African baskets are handwoven with loops on the back and or top so you can hang them on your wall easily. They're also made with natural fibers like sisal, raffia and banana stalks making them tough and able to be secured to the wall with ease. Which brings me to option one nails.
Option 1: Nails

Using small nails to hang baskets on the wall is one of my favorite methods. Yes you'll end up with small holes in the wall but nails are sturdy and will keep the baskets level. As mentioned earlier you can use the loop on the basket to put it on the nail or hammer a small nail through the center of the basket to keep it in place.
You may be thinking hammering a nail through the center of the basket would damage it, but like I said before African baskets are tough and woven in a spiral pattern so you can often hammer through the center and not effect the basket.
Another tip for using nails when decorating with baskets is decide on where you want to place the baskets before hammering in the nails. That way you won't have several holes in the wall from mistakes.
If you're a renter be sure to check with your landlord before putting holes in the wall. Some landlords won't mind as long as the hole is below a certain size or you patch the holes when you move out.
Speaking of renter friendly ways to decorate your walls without nails the next two wall mounting methods can be done without drilling or hammering nails into the wall. If you love African baskets and dream of creating a gallery wall without putting holes in the wall these next two methods are for you.
Option 2: Mounting Putty

Mounting putty is a great way to decorate your home or apartment walls without nails because the putty sticks to the basket and your wall. Mounting putty's consistency is similar to play dough so you can mold and shape it to the back of your basket easily.

They key is to flatten the putty to the back of your basket then press it firmly to the wall. I often lightly tap the front center of the basket with a hammer to make sure the putty adheres to the wall. Mounting putty will not damage your basket when removed nor should it damage the wall as long as you remove it carefully.
Option 3: Peel and Stick Hooks

Peel and stick hooks are adhesive hooks for walls that have a sticky pad on the back and a hook on the front.
This option is great for hanging African baskets because it combines the best attributes of the first two methods. There's a hook similar to nails with an adhesive feature similar to mounting putty.
Peel and stick hooks come in many shapes and sizes some with metal hooks others plastic. Most can handle a decent amount of weight as well. You'll want to read the instructions to ensure the hooks are attached and removed from the wall correctly so your wall paint isn't damaged.

I hope our three ways to hang African baskets will inspire you to decorate your walls with baskets. And now that you know you can hang baskets without putting holes in the wall have fun and experiment with large and small baskets to create unique wall vignettes.
Which method will you try? If there's another method you use share in the comments.
To get your basket gallery wall started, check out our collection of African baskets here.
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